Your Guide to Maintaining Your Full Dentures

If you have recently gotten full dentures or are considering getting them, you may be wondering about the best ways to care for them. Full dentures require regular maintenance to ensure they remain in good condition and provide optimal comfort and functionality. This post will discuss the important steps you should take to properly care for your full dentures and keep them looking and feeling their best.

Cleaning Your Full Dentures:

One of the most important aspects of maintaining your full dentures is keeping them clean. To clean your dentures, you should brush them at least once a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a non-abrasive denture cleanser. It is important to avoid using toothpaste or other abrasive cleaners, as they can scratch the surface of your dentures and cause damage. Additionally, you should remove your dentures at night and soak them in a denture cleaning solution to help remove bacteria and prevent staining.

Handling Your Full Dentures with Care:

It is important to handle your full dentures with care to prevent damage. When you are not wearing your dentures, make sure to store them in a denture cleanser or water to prevent them from drying out. Avoid dropping your dentures or exposing them to extreme temperatures, as this can cause them to warp or become damaged. Additionally, be careful when handling your dentures during cleaning, and never use hot water, as this can also cause damage.

Regular Check-ups with Your Dentist:

Regular check-ups with your dentist are essential for ensuring the health and integrity of your full dentures. Your dentist will examine your dentures for signs of wear, adjust them if necessary, and ensure they are fitting properly. Your dentist can also provide you with tips and advice on how to properly care for your dentures at home. You should visit your dentist at least once a year for a check-up and cleaning of your dentures.

Avoiding Certain Foods:

While full dentures are designed to withstand the pressures of chewing, there are certain foods that can be damaging to them. Avoid foods that are extremely hard, sticky, or chewy, as they can cause your dentures to crack, chip, or become dislodged. Some examples of foods to avoid include hard candies, nuts, popcorn, and sticky candies. Be mindful of what you eat, and make sure to chew carefully to prevent damage to your dentures.

Contact a local dental office to learn more, like Modern Denture Clinic.
