A Rewarding Career

Your Guide to Maintaining Your Full Dentures

If you have recently gotten full dentures or are considering getting them, you may be wondering about the best ways to care for them. Full dentures require regular maintenance to ensure they remain in good condition and provide optimal comfort and functionality. This post will discuss the important steps you should take to properly care for your full dentures and keep them looking and feeling their best. Cleaning Your Full Dentures: Read More 

Oral Surgery for Gum Disease: A Closer Look at the Process

If you're suffering from gum disease, your dentist may recommend oral surgery as a treatment option. While the idea of surgery may sound daunting, understanding the process can help alleviate any concerns you may have. In this article, we'll take a closer look at oral surgery for gum disease, highlighting the steps involved and what you can expect. Diagnosis and Evaluation Before undergoing oral surgery for gum disease, your dentist will first conduct a thorough examination and evaluation of your oral health. Read More 

Understanding Tooth Implants: Everything You Need to Know

Missing teeth can be a cause for concern, both aesthetically and functionally. However, with the innovations in the dental industry, tooth implants provide an effective way to replace missing teeth. Tooth implants act as a natural tooth root, providing a strong foundation for a replacement tooth. If you’re considering getting a tooth implant, there is no need to worry. What Are Tooth Implants? Tooth implants are titanium posts that are surgically placed into the jawbone beneath the gum line. Read More 

Types of Cosmetic Dentistry: Enhancing Your Smile

Your smile is one of the most important parts of your appearance. A beautiful, sparkling smile can give you confidence and make you feel your best, but not everyone is born with a perfect set of teeth. Fortunately, there are a variety of cosmetic dentistry procedures that can help improve the appearance of your teeth, from simple procedures like teeth whitening to more complex treatments like dental implants. Teeth Whitening: Read More 

Four Commonly Asked Questions About Dental Implants

Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth. They are durable and can prevent future complications. If you have missing teeth, check out these commonly asked questions to determine if dental implants are right for you.  1. What Are Dental Implants? Dental implants consist of an artificial titanium root, an abutment, and a porcelain dental crown. The dentist drills the titanium implant (which resembles a screw) into the jawbone. Read More