When you think about orthodontics, you may automatically think about braces and other teeth straightening options for adolescents. However, growing numbers of adults are getting assistance from orthodontists to deal with oral issues that impact the position of the teeth and jaw. The following are some things you should know about adults getting orthodontic treatment for teeth straightening.
Orthodontics Are Not Just for Kids
Anyone can benefit from a variety of orthodontic procedures, especially adults.
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When someone asks a dentist about implants, one of the most common first questions covers how long the entire process is going to take. As with many things in life, the answer depends on a lot of variables. Take a look at what might influence how quickly you can get dental implants.
Oral Health
For a dentist, this is by far the biggest concern. If someone has highly progressed gum disease, there's also a high risk that any installed dental implants might fall out.
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If your child has crooked teeth, a dentist may refer you to an orthodontist. An orthodontist is someone who practices specialty dentistry and treats dental and facial abnormalities. One of the most common dental problems an orthodontist treats is crooked teeth. However, there are many other reasons a dentist may refer your child to an orthodontist.
Here are three of those reasons your child may need to see an orthodontist.
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A root canal is necessary when you have a tooth where the root of the tooth is infected. This happens when you have a cavity that goes down deep and starts to infect the root of your tooth. That infection can then carry into your gum and can be harmful if the infection is not taken care of right away.
Root canal treatments are one of the older dental treatments and have been around for centuries.
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A child who sucks their thumb is engaging in very normal activity, as sucking is a normal instinct for babies as they exit the womb. Some children continue to suck their thumbs or fingers or other items. While most children stop this behavior on their own, you may have concerns about your child's teeth. Here are some things you need to know about thumb sucking and your child's teeth.
What Issues Does Thumb Sucking Cause?
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