Bad Breath: Not Always A Sign Of Poor Dental Hygiene

You've tried all of the usual things – increased brushing, flossing, and use of mouth rinse – but you're still dealing with smelly breath on a daily basis. Before throwing in the towel and resigning yourself to a life of less-than-fresh breath, consider the three things below.

Bad Breath Can Be Caused By Underlying Medical Conditions

While it seems quite obvious to assume that bad breath is a result of poor dental hygiene, this isn't always the case. There are many underlying medical conditions that can cause bad breath.

A number of metabolic and autoimmune disorders can cause bad breathe due to the chemicals that they release within the body. Some disorders, such as diabetes, even have a distinct scent. This can make the diagnosis of a condition easier. If your breath has recently changed or worsened and no amount of dental hygiene is helping, consider visiting with your primary care doctor for a complete workup.   

Bad Breath Can Be A Medical Condition Within Itself

While bad breath can be indicative of a number of medical problems, it can also be its own medical condition that requires professional treatment from your dentist.

There are many reasons that some people suffer from bad breath while others don't. Some individuals salivate more than others. Some people have a higher number of bacteria present within their mouth than others. Whatever the reason, there are some things your dentist can do to help curb the bad breath. These things include prescribing mouth rinses with an antibacterial agent or increased dental visits throughout the year.

Your Bad Breath Could Be Telling You Something About Your Habits

If your bad breath does not seem to be caused by any underlying medical conditions and the treatments that your dentist has performed haven't had much impact, your breath may be telling you to take a look at your habits.

Nutrition plays a large role in dental hygiene and poor nutritional habits can lend themselves to bad breath. Sugary and acidic foods are two of the biggest culprits of bad breath. Other foods, such as ones that give you heartburn or a sour stomach, should also be avoided as reflux can certainly contribute to the smell of your breath.

Other habits that may need to be broken include smoking and excessive alcohol consumption – both of these can lead to dry mouth which can significantly worsen your breath.

If you're at the end of your rope because of your bad breath, consider the three things mentioned above. While bad breath can certainly be due to poor dental hygiene, it can also be caused by a number of other conditions or issues beyond your control. Talk with your dentist if you feel bad breath is becoming a problem.
