Provide Your Child With Knowledge And Support Prior To And After Having Braces Installed
If your preteen's dentist has recommended that your child wears braces for a couple years to straighten their top row of teeth, your loved one may be apprehensive about the impending change and be fearful of their altered appearance or the possibility that the braces will hurt. Ease into the transition by providing your child with knowledge and support.
Include Your Child In The Decision
Just because a recommendation has been made does not mean that your child has to have braces put on their teeth immediately. Let the information soak in for a couple of days and speak candidly to your child about braces in general and what your viewpoint on them is.
If you know someone who wore braces in the past or who is currently wearing braces and has been satisfied with the process overall, tell your child about their experience or let them meet them so that the individual can let your preteen know firsthand how the braces have impacted their life.
Consulting with your child's dentist at length can also be helpful. If your child has some specific questions about the installation procedure or how their teeth will feel after the braces have been applied, meeting with the dentist and allowing your loved one to voice their concerns can alleviate some of the uncertainties.
Make Adjustments During The Recuperation Phase
After your child is more receptive to the idea and has decided that they are ready to set up an appointment to have braces added to their teeth, think about the recuperation phase and how you can make things easier on your child. Expect that your preteen will be in some pain soon after the braces are installed. Purchase some oral gel and an over the counter pain medication.
Think about foods and beverages that your child can eat and drink comfortably. Obviously, chewing food will be a challenge, so think about your child's favorite meal and consider chopping up food into small pieces or even using a blender to create a soft meal that will be easy to consume.
A beverage that is cool, such as a milkshake or smoothie, may ease mouth pain. If your child shows no signs of an appetite and is struggling to eat what you have prepared, do not be alarmed. It may take a couple days for your child to feel better. Remain encouraging and supportive and try to make your loved one's life as easy as possible while they are adjusting.