What You Need To Know About Dental Implants

With the advancement of dental procedures and improvements to oral health today, there are many opportunities for you to keep your oral health in great condition. When you have teeth that are missing from injury or bad oral health, for example, dental implants can restore your teeth and your smile. Here are some tips and insight about what you need to know about dental implant surgery and what you can expect from it when you are ready for it to help improve your life.

Comfort During and After Your Surgery

If you are worried about your comfort during a dental implant procedure, don't worry. Your dentist will use either a general or local anesthesia to make the procedure painless and easy. In fact, the bones in your mouth where the implants will be placed have very few pain-sensing nerves to cause you discomfort.

 Then, after your surgery, you may have some mild discomfort in your chin and cheeks that over-the-counter medications can ease. Talk to your dental professional about your options and any concerns you have about the procedure.

Benefits to Your Physical Appearance

Once you have dental implant surgery, the improvement to your physical appearance are immediate. When you talk and interact with others, your implants will look like your real teeth, as they will match them in color, size, and spacing. And you can eat regular foods and not have to worry about your dentures or other temporary implant coming loose.

Because dental implants permanently fuse with your jaw bone, they provide the stimulation to your facial bones to prevent atrophy of the bones. Without implants in your jaw bones, your facial and jaw bones would begin to atrophy and your face will have a sunken-in appearance.

Improvements to Your Health

With this increase to your physical appearance, your self esteem will also improve as part of your mental health. This can help you to do and overcome many obstacles in the past you were not able to.

Your physical health will improve as well when you have dental implants, especially considering you will no longer have any decaying teeth that can pass bacteria and infection into your body. For example, an abscess in your teeth can actually lead to infection spreading through your body through its blood flow, which can result in an infection to the lining of your heart. This condition can be life threatening and lead to lifelong complications.
