Marion Gutierrez

Reasons For Bleeding Gums

If you are brushing your teeth and you see that there is some pink mixed in with the toothpaste you spit out, then this is some blood. More than likely, that blood is coming from your gums. You may also taste a small amount of blood as you are flossing your teeth. There are many reasons why your gums may bleed, but bleeding gums should always be taken as a sign that you need to visit the dentist. Read More 

Just Get A Dental Crown? Follow These Tips To Care For It

If you recently had a dental crown placed on a tooth, you may have concerns about what you can do to ensure that the crown stays in place and does not come out. Here are some tips you can follow that can help make sure it stays in place. Avoid Chewy Foods Do you have some favorite foods that can be especially sticky or chewy? These foods can unintentionally cause damage to your new dental crown. Read More 

3 Advantages Of Getting Dental Implants

If you have suffered the loss of teeth and are looking for a way to restore the natural beauty of your smile, then look no further than dental implants. As long as you qualify for candidacy for this particular form of dental treatment, this can be a beneficial and effective way to get your smile back. Here are three benefits that you can gain from dental implants. Dental Implants Can Prevent Jawbone Deterioration Read More 

What You Need To Know About Dental Implants

With the advancement of dental procedures and improvements to oral health today, there are many opportunities for you to keep your oral health in great condition. When you have teeth that are missing from injury or bad oral health, for example, dental implants can restore your teeth and your smile. Here are some tips and insight about what you need to know about dental implant surgery and what you can expect from it when you are ready for it to help improve your life. Read More 

Answers To Common Implant Bone Grafting Questions

Dental implants must be placed in hard, strong, and dense bone material. If you are lacking density and thickness, then your dentist may suggest the placement of a bone graft before the implant root is secured. Bone grafting can sound a bit scary. After all, it does involve one or several invasive procedures. To calm your nerves a bit, keep reading to learn the answers to a few common bone grafting questions. Read More